Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Big Move

A few weeks ago, we decided to put our house on the market. We wanted to move somewhere with more land that was closer to John's work. We figured it would take a while to sell our house and surely we would find a new place by the time it sold. Well...3 days later we had accepted a full price offer on our house and we didn't really have any prospects for a new place.

Long story short...we DID find a new place, but it's a short sale and we are expecting 3 months (at least) until we close, leaving us homeless. I looked into rentals, but couldn't find anything reasonably priced that didn't require at least a six month lease.

On somewhat of a whim, we bought a new trailer and sold our little tent trailer. Now our plan is to travel around within a reasonable drive of John's work and camp for the summer, but who knows what will end up happening! We are very fortunate to live in an area where campgrounds are abundant! We are hoping for a trial camping trip this weekend to make sure everything is working fine on the trailer so we will have time to get any issues taken care of before the real deal.

So far the biggest challenge I've found is figuring out how to fit all of our stuff into a 23' trailer (+ a storage unit). I am gluten-free and we eat mostly vegetarian, so our diet complicates things slightly, as does having 3 VERY active little boys! I thought we were fairly minimalist, but I'm realizing that we still have more stuff than we truly NEED. But John and I are excited (mostly), and the boys are bouncing-off-the-walls excited! I'm hoping to document our summer on this blog, even if it's just to send a picture from my phone when we have cell service.

The countdown is on: 17 days!

Home sweet home!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. perhaps you should try the 100 things challenge! :)

  2. Like a "vacation", right? :o) Good luck! I probably wouldn't even last for a "long weekend"!
